
Welcome to CerealHarem HQ
homepage to a bunch of ridiculously smutty projects made by a happily married couple of goobers.
Here's where you'll eventually be able to find all of our comics, animations, writings and other such kinky produce.
We do some nasty ass taboo shit but we always try to give it a tender twist, because we're big softies under all that filth. You'll find some incest, big proportions, horsefucking, and ladies having the time of their lives. It's all in good fun, except when we use it for drama, naturally. We're firm believers of the idea that they're not mutually exclusive.
I like to think you won't find anything too gratuitous here or made with the sole purpose of push boundaries, but rather a sincere glimpse into the world of kinks and fetishes from the perspective of two idiots who give too much of a shit about relationships, storytelling, and design in general. The goal is to find interesting ways to tell smutty stories, in a way where only the NSFW tag will do.
Join us in our journey to capture the magical mix of the unapologetically indulgent and the emotionally fulfilling.
About us and why we're here
Matt's a videogame designer from the UK, Mel's an animator from Chile. We met through shipping our OCs over deviantArt roleplays when we were little beans and whoops now we're turbo married.
As a result of that you can imagine how much making characters kiss means to us, and the whole natural process of coming up with ideas as a form of building bridges and friendships. Our work is pretty much an extension of what we've always had fun doing. A bit more tailored to our adult feelings, of course, but the core of what we care about has never gone away. When we can help it we like to express it in overly specific ideas and helping people find a spark in theirs through commissions, backer rewards, or just shooting the shit and discussing the wonderful point of having OCs.
This is particularly hard to exercise in current times given the internet has become an embarassing nightmare to browse and an even worse place to keep track of people's art. A lot of our inspirations have been lost to deactivated accounts or broken links. Cultural staples of browsing like Ludwig von Koopa doing a handstand being on the most popular searches for some reason or Pon and Zi comics about the tragedy of baking you a cookie but I eated it only live in our memory now because search engines don't work properly.
We don't cling to times gone by or pretend things could still be this way, but the way online communities work now is just not a good replacement. It feels like it's harder than ever to justify that you came up with an idea for a doodle from something you saw by complete chance. People look at you like you got some sort of obsession if you pay attention to things that just appear on your path as opposed to actively belonging to a fandom, as if liking a thing means you need to get a badge or else it hits weird and people don't know how to categorize you. You can feel the bulk of this in NSFW circles, where you're pretty much praised or discarded for drawing a particular kink. It's like you're doomed to stay within your tag and meet people who speak in similar ways, and I'd argue it's for the worse. It's some Squidville shit.
It ain't all doom and gloom tho; we hold a SubscribeStar to support our endeavors and people who stick by us have been some of the most wonderful, fascinating and engaged peeps we've met on the internet. At every step of the way they've been flexible and understanding of when we wanna try weird shit and I daresay it's inspired them to do the same without being limited by the respective communities they come from. It's a colorful little melting pot of different walks of life, and it's awesome. What could've been just a business ended up giving us a big sense of purpose. Doing porn doesn't have to be an isolating experience. It can be a way to build those bridges like it was for us back in the day, even help some people who are struggling with their own interpersonal relationships by showing them a way to consume porn that doesn't have to be absolute reckless abandon of your own well being. And play cards over Tabletop Sim on saturdays.
It's made us see that it's worth showing what we do in ways that aren't limited by current social media ettiquete. Neocities came at the right time when we were bitchin' about Current Times and a friend suggested it as a little side hobby... he probably didn't think we'd dive in so hard.
At the very least this place can serve as an archive for all those peeps out there who enjoy lurking and can have a fun afternoon made out of peeking into someone's brain, like the experience we've always valued from our young days as radical web surfers, or it can lead to so much more if you find this place worth keeping up with and feel like shooting us a message. I actually don't know the reach of Neocities, but hopefully I've made it easier for you to discuss The Shining theories or contact us for business or call us big smelly sex perverts. Anything that inspires you or strengthens your bond with the peeps that matter in your life.