
Aesthetic aside, thanks for considering getting custom work from us!
Stuff not listed above include comics, banners, and animation.
Feel free to ask for prices while I work on the sheets.

You can contact us through any of the sites linked at the top right
as well as shooting us a message through cerealharem [at]


Contact us with the details of your commission through whatever means is more convenient for you and be as specific or as vague as you like, we like communication! We work better when given freedom and we don't mind workshopping the idea together until satisfied,but if you want a more clearcut process we can do that as well.

We take payment through Arty, a platform designed to handle the commission process. And we assume this is your first time hearing of it, so don't worry, all you need on your end is an email and a payment method of your choice. Arty holds the payment until the commission is completed to ensure both parties are happy with the result.
Ideally we'll have some sort of communication channel like email or discord for WIPs We'll be sending as many of those as you request, but generally speaking we do it once for each part of the process if things are working out the way you like them.

Once the commission is ready we upload it through Arty for approval or send it via whatever method we're using to talk, and you can feel free to post it anywhere you like, credit optional.

Our turnout time is fairly quick, so expect your work done within the month at the latest.

For comic or animatic commissions, we like to be in charge of the story if we can help it, of course keeping in mind what you'd like out of such a project to begin with. This is to ensure the result is something fitting for our style of storytelling, and that you're paying a reasonable price for the compromise as well, seeimg as any extra pages or scenes would be on the house in order to make the story work we don't have to charge you for every little extra panel or sequence.

If you got any questions or just want an estimate, feel free to shoot us a message!




Ref Sheets
